Dental Hygienist Salary in Virginia

Dental Hygienist Salary Virginia

If you’re interested in becoming a dental hygienist in Virginia, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the salary expectations in this field. The average salary for a dental hygienist in Virginia is approximately $81,240 per year. However, it’s essential to note that this figure can vary based on factors such as experience, additional certifications, and location within the state.

  • The average salary for a dental hygienist in Virginia is around $81,240 per year.
  • Salary ranges from $50,880 to $104,620.
  • Dental hygienists in Virginia earn about the same as microbiologists but more than registered dietitians.
  • The salary can vary based on factors such as experience, certifications, and location.
  • Considering the salary expectations is important when pursuing a career as a dental hygienist in Virginia.

Average Salary for Dental Hygienists in Virginia

The average salary for dental hygienists in Virginia is approximately $81,240 per year. This figure represents the median salary, meaning that half of the dental hygienists in Virginia earn more than this amount, and half earn less. It is important to note that salary can be influenced by various factors such as years of experience, level of education, and location within the state.

When considering a career as a dental hygienist in Virginia, it is helpful to understand the salary range for this profession. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, salaries for dental hygienists in Virginia can range from $50,880 to $104,620 per year. This wide range reflects the diversity of employment opportunities within the state and the potential for growth in this field.

In comparison to similar careers in Virginia, dental hygienists earn a competitive salary. For example, dental hygienists tend to earn about the same as microbiologists, who also play a crucial role in the healthcare industry. However, dental hygienists earn more than registered dietitians, highlighting the favorable earning potential of this profession.

Career Median Salary
Dental Hygienist $81,240
Microbiologist $75,650
Registered Dietitian $64,860

In conclusion, dental hygienists in Virginia can expect to earn an average salary of approximately $81,240 per year, with a salary range that spans from $50,880 to $104,620. This makes dental hygiene a lucrative career choice in the state, especially when compared to similar professions. As the demand for oral healthcare continues to grow, the outlook for dental hygienists in Virginia remains promising.

dental hygienist in Virginia

The salary range for dental hygienists in Virginia varies from $50,880 to $104,620. As professionals in the field, dental hygienists play a crucial role in maintaining oral health and preventing dental diseases. They work closely with dentists to provide essential dental care to patients.

According to recent data, the average salary for dental hygienists in Virginia is approximately $81,240 per year. However, it is important to note that this salary can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and work setting. Dental hygienists with more years of experience and specialized skills may earn higher salaries within this range.

In comparison to similar careers in Virginia, dental hygienists earn about the same as microbiologists but more than registered dietitians. This signifies the competitive nature of the dental hygiene profession and the value placed on their expertise in the state of Virginia.

Career Salary Range
Dental Hygienists $50,880 – $104,620
Microbiologists $50,880 – $104,620
Registered Dietitians Below $50,880

With the increasing demand for preventive dental care and the overall growth of the healthcare industry, the career outlook for dental hygienists in Virginia remains positive. As more individuals prioritize their oral health, the need for skilled dental hygienists will continue to rise.

It is worth noting that the salary range provided is an average estimate and may vary based on location, experience, and other factors. Dental hygienists in Virginia can take advantage of various opportunities to increase their salary, such as pursuing advanced certifications or specializing in specific areas of dental hygiene.

Overall, a career as a dental hygienist in Virginia offers a competitive salary range and the chance to make a positive impact on patients’ oral health. The field continues to evolve, presenting opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

Comparison to Similar Careers in Virginia

When compared to similar careers in Virginia, dental hygienists earn about the same as microbiologists but more than registered dietitians. The average salary for a dental hygienist in Virginia is approximately $81,240 per year, while the salary range can vary from $50,880 to $104,620. This makes dental hygiene an attractive career option in Virginia for those seeking a stable income.

Microbiologists, on the other hand, have a similar average salary to dental hygienists in Virginia. These professionals study microorganisms and their effects on the environment, human health, and other organisms. With an average annual salary of around $82,130, microbiology offers a comparable income to dental hygiene in the state.

Registered dietitians, although still important in promoting health and well-being, earn slightly less than dental hygienists in Virginia. These professionals specialize in food and nutrition and work closely with individuals to develop personalized meal plans and provide nutritional counseling. The average salary for registered dietitians in Virginia is approximately $63,490 per year.

Profession Average Salary
Dental Hygienists $81,240
Microbiologists $82,130
Registered Dietitians $63,490

Overall, dental hygiene in Virginia offers a competitive salary compared to similar careers in the state. With its stable income and potential for growth, becoming a dental hygienist can be a rewarding career choice for individuals interested in oral health and patient care.

comparison similar careers Virginia

Choosing a career as a dental hygienist in Virginia can offer several benefits, including a competitive salary and job stability. According to recent data, the average salary for dental hygienists in Virginia is approximately $81,240 per year. This figure is higher than the national average, making it an attractive option for those seeking financial security.

Aside from the financial aspect, a career as a dental hygienist also provides job stability. With an increasing demand for dental services, the need for qualified professionals in this field continues to grow. This means that dental hygienists in Virginia can expect a steady stream of job opportunities, ensuring long-term career prospects.

Furthermore, working as a dental hygienist allows individuals to make a positive impact on people’s oral health. Dental hygienists play a crucial role in preventive dental care, educating patients about proper oral hygiene practices and performing routine cleanings. By promoting good oral health, dental hygienists contribute to the overall well-being of their patients, enhancing their quality of life.

Dental Hygienist in Virginia

Similar Careers Salary Comparison
Microbiologists Similar Salary
Registered Dietitians Higher Salary

When comparing dental hygienist salaries to similar careers in Virginia, it is worth noting that dental hygienists earn approximately the same as microbiologists. However, they earn more than registered dietitians. This data further highlights the favorable earning potential for dental hygienists in Virginia.

In summary, pursuing a career as a dental hygienist in Virginia offers several advantages. Not only does it provide a competitive salary and job stability, but it also allows individuals to make a positive impact on people’s oral health. With a growing demand for dental services, dental hygienists can look forward to a promising career in Virginia.

Factors Influencing Dental Hygienist Salaries in Virginia

Several factors can influence the salary of dental hygienists in Virginia, such as experience, location, and additional certifications. These factors play a significant role in determining the earning potential for dental hygienists in the state.

Experience is one of the key factors that can impact salary. As dental hygienists gain more years of experience in the field, their skills and knowledge become more refined, making them more valuable to employers. With increased experience, dental hygienists can negotiate higher salaries or qualify for higher paying positions.

Location is another important factor to consider. Salary ranges can vary across different regions within Virginia. Urban areas with higher costs of living typically offer higher salaries to compensate for the increased expenses. On the other hand, rural or less populated areas might have lower salary ranges. Dental hygienists should research and consider the location they plan to work in to have a better understanding of the potential salary range.

Additional certifications can also have an impact on salary. Dental hygienists who acquire specialized certifications or training in areas such as anesthesia administration or periodontal therapy may have higher earning potential. These additional qualifications demonstrate a higher level of expertise and can lead to increased job opportunities and higher pay.

Factors Influencing Dental Hygienist Salaries in Virginia

In summary, factors such as experience, location, and additional certifications all influence the salary of dental hygienists in Virginia. Dental hygienists should consider these factors when evaluating job opportunities and negotiating salaries to ensure they are being compensated fairly for their skills and qualifications.

Factors Influence on Salary
Experience Higher experience can lead to higher salaries and more job opportunities.
Location Salaries can vary based on the cost of living and demand for dental hygienists in a particular area.
Additional Certifications Specialized certifications can demonstrate advanced skills and lead to higher earning potential.

Tips for Increasing Salary as a Dental Hygienist in Virginia

If you’re a dental hygienist in Virginia looking to boost your salary, here are some tips to consider:

  1. Continuing Education: Invest in your professional development by pursuing additional certifications or specialized training. This can enhance your skill set and make you a more valuable asset in the dental field.
  2. Networking: Build connections within the dental community by attending industry events, joining professional associations, and engaging in online forums. Networking can lead to job opportunities and potential salary advancements.
  3. Seek Advanced Positions: Consider pursuing advanced positions such as dental hygiene educator, research coordinator, or public health advocate. These roles often come with higher salaries and increased responsibilities.

“Advancing your career through continuous learning and networking can lead to increased opportunities and higher earnings.”

Additionally, negotiating your salary during job interviews or performance reviews can also have a significant impact on your earnings. Research the market rates for dental hygienists in Virginia to ensure you are being compensated fairly. Highlight your skills, experience, and any additional certifications or achievements that make you stand out as a candidate.

Remember, your value as a dental hygienist goes beyond just your technical skills. Employers also appreciate strong communication, patient care, and leadership abilities. Demonstrating these qualities can showcase your value and potentially lead to salary increases or promotions.


As a dental hygienist in Virginia, there are several strategies you can employ to increase your salary. Continuing education, networking, seeking advanced positions, and negotiating your salary are all effective ways to boost your earnings and advance your career. By investing in your professional development and highlighting your value to employers, you can position yourself for financial success in your dental hygiene career.

Career Outlook:

The career outlook for dental hygienists in Virginia is promising. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of dental hygienists is projected to grow by 6% from 2020 to 2030, which is faster than the average for all occupations. The demand for dental services and preventive care is expected to increase as the population ages and becomes more aware of the importance of oral health. This positive job outlook, combined with the potential for salary growth, makes dental hygiene a rewarding and viable career choice in Virginia.

With dedication, continuous learning, and the implementation of these tips, you can maximize your earning potential as a dental hygienist in Virginia.

dental hygienist

In conclusion, pursuing a career as a dental hygienist in Virginia can be financially rewarding. With the average salary for dental hygienists in Virginia being approximately $81,240 per year, it is clear that this profession offers competitive compensation.

Furthermore, the salary range for dental hygienists in Virginia varies from $50,880 to $104,620, providing potential for increased earnings based on experience and specialization. Compared to similar careers in Virginia, dental hygienists earn about the same as microbiologists but more than registered dietitians.

Aside from the financial benefits, the job prospects for dental hygienists in Virginia are expected to remain promising in the coming years. The growing demand for oral healthcare, coupled with an aging population and increased emphasis on preventative care, ensures a stable and secure career path for dental hygienists.

With the right skills and dedication to patient care, dental hygienists in Virginia have the opportunity to make a significant impact on oral health and overall well-being. As part of the dental team, they play a vital role in educating patients on proper oral hygiene practices and performing preventive procedures.


Q: What is the average salary for a dental hygienist in Virginia?

A: The average salary for a dental hygienist in Virginia is approximately $81,240 per year.

Q: What is the salary range for dental hygienists in Virginia?

A: The salary range for dental hygienists in Virginia varies from $50,880 to $104,620.

Q: How does the salary of dental hygienists in Virginia compare to other similar careers in the state?

A: Dental hygienists in Virginia earn about the same as microbiologists but more than registered dietitians.