Exploring the Latest Lineman Industry Trends in the US

lineman industry trends

The lineman industry in the United States is thriving, with promising job growth and increasing demand for skilled linemen. The industry has experienced a 6% projected job growth for linemen and a 7% growth for journeyman linemen from 2018 to 2028. In the last 5 years, linemen salaries have seen a notable increase of 10%. Currently, there are over 87,715 linemen and 79,060 journeyman linemen employed in the US, with active job openings of 2,672 and 9,469, respectively.

The average salary for a lineman is $78,563 and $77,257 for a journeyman lineman. The industry has also made significant advancements in safety measures, with the introduction of new safety equipment and the use of data tracking and software for enhanced safety during the maintenance and repair of energized components.

Municipal and state employment opportunities for linemen have been on the rise, providing linemen with greater access to benefits and retirement options through both unions and individual savings accounts. Additionally, there are numerous non-traditional employment opportunities available for experienced linemen, such as teaching and consulting, allowing for career growth and the utilization of their expertise in different capacities.

Key Takeaways:

  • The lineman industry in the US is experiencing significant growth and increasing demand.
  • Projected job growth for linemen and journeyman linemen is 6% and 7% respectively from 2018 to 2028.
  • Linemen salaries have increased by 10% in the last 5 years.
  • Advancements in safety measures and equipment have improved worker safety in the industry.
  • Municipal and state employment opportunities offer greater benefits and retirement options for linemen.

Projected Job Growth and Salary Increase in the Lineman Industry

The lineman industry is expected to see a steady job growth of 6% for linemen and 7% for journeyman linemen from 2018 to 2028, leading to increased opportunities in the field. With the growing demand for reliable energy infrastructure, there is a need for skilled linemen to install, maintain, and repair power lines and electrical systems. As technology continues to advance and the need for renewable energy sources increases, the lineman industry is poised for significant growth.

In addition to the projected job growth, salaries for linemen have also been on the rise. Over the past five years, there has been a 10% increase in lineman salaries, reflecting the demand and value of their skills. The average salary for a lineman is $78,563, and for a journeyman lineman, it is $77,257. These competitive salaries, coupled with the job growth, make the lineman industry an attractive career choice for individuals seeking stability and financial rewards.

To provide a comprehensive overview of the job and salary prospects, the following tables highlight the current employment numbers and job openings for linemen and journeyman linemen:

Linemen Journeyman Linemen
Employed 87,715 79,060
Job Openings 2,672 9,469

These numbers indicate the current demand for linemen in the industry and the availability of job opportunities. As the energy sector continues to evolve and expand, the need for linemen and journeyman linemen is expected to grow even more, creating a favorable job market for those entering or already in the industry.

By staying updated on the latest industry trends, linemen can position themselves for success and take advantage of the projected job growth and salary increases. With the right skills, training, and dedication, this dynamic and rewarding industry offers a promising future for those looking to make a career in the lineman field.

Projected Job Growth and Salary Increase in the Lineman Industry

  • The lineman industry is expected to see a steady job growth of 6% for linemen and 7% for journeyman linemen from 2018 to 2028.
  • Salaries for linemen have increased by 10% in the last five years.
  • There are currently over 87,715 linemen and 79,060 journeyman linemen employed in the US, with active job openings of 2,672 and 9,469 respectively.
  • The average salary for a lineman is $78,563, and for a journeyman lineman, it is $77,257.

With these promising job prospects and competitive salaries, the lineman industry offers a bright future for those seeking stable and rewarding careers in the field.

Advancements in Safety Measures and Equipment

With a growing emphasis on worker safety, the lineman industry has witnessed notable advancements in safety measures and equipment, ensuring a secure working environment for linemen. These advancements have been driven by the industry’s commitment to reducing accidents and injuries during the maintenance and repair of energized components.

One key area of improvement is the use of data tracking systems and software. Linemen now have access to advanced tools that allow them to monitor and analyze data in real-time, enhancing their ability to identify potential hazards and take proactive safety measures. This data-driven approach not only improves the overall safety of linemen but also enables companies to implement targeted safety strategies based on accurate and up-to-date information.

In addition to data tracking systems, there have been significant advancements in safety equipment. Linemen now have access to state-of-the-art personal protective equipment (PPE) designed specifically for their unique work environments. This includes specialized helmets, gloves, and clothing that provide enhanced protection against electrical and mechanical hazards. The use of advanced PPE has proven to be instrumental in reducing the risk of injuries and ensuring the well-being of linemen.

Safety Measures and Equipment Advancements Benefits
Data tracking systems and software – Real-time monitoring and analysis of data
– Proactive identification of potential hazards
Specialized personal protective equipment (PPE) – Enhanced protection against electrical and mechanical hazards
– Reduction in the risk of injuries

Overall, the lineman industry’s dedication to safety is reflected in the continuous advancements in safety measures and equipment. These advancements not only safeguard the well-being of linemen but also contribute to the efficiency and productivity of their work. By staying ahead of emerging risks and embracing technological innovations, the industry ensures a secure and sustainable future for linemen across the United States.

lineman safety measures

Municipal and state employment opportunities are on the rise in the lineman industry, offering linemen access to a wide range of benefits and retirement options for a secure future. With the increasing demand for linemen across the United States, many local governments and state agencies are expanding their workforce to ensure reliable power distribution and maintenance.

Working for municipalities or state agencies comes with a host of benefits. Linemen employed in these sectors often enjoy competitive salaries, comprehensive healthcare coverage, and generous retirement packages. Through unions and individual savings accounts, linemen can secure their financial future and provide for their families. These employment opportunities also provide job stability, as local governments prioritize infrastructure maintenance and improvement.

“Municipal and state employment provides linemen with job security and a stable income, allowing them to focus on doing what they love – working with electricity and ensuring the smooth functioning of power grids.”

Moreover, linemen in municipal and state roles have the opportunity to contribute to their communities directly. By maintaining and repairing electrical lines and equipment, they ensure uninterrupted power supply to homes, schools, hospitals, and workplaces. This sense of purpose and service further adds to the job satisfaction and fulfillment of linemen working in these sectors.

Table 1: Comparison of Municipal and State Employment Benefits

Benefits Unionized Municipal Employment State Employment
Competitive Salaries Yes Yes
Healthcare Coverage Comprehensive Comprehensive
Retirement Options Union pension plans and individual savings accounts State pension plans and individual savings accounts
Job Stability High High

In conclusion, municipal and state employment opportunities provide linemen with stable and rewarding careers. These positions offer attractive benefits and retirement options, ensuring a secure future. By choosing to work in these sectors, linemen can serve their communities and contribute to the reliable and efficient distribution of electricity. The growth of municipal and state employment in the lineman industry reflects the increasing importance of maintaining robust power infrastructure to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving world.

Non-Traditional Employment Opportunities for Experienced Linemen

Beyond their journeyman experience, experienced linemen can explore non-traditional avenues, such as teaching and consulting, to further their careers and make a valuable contribution to the lineman industry.

Teaching is a rewarding option for linemen who want to share their knowledge and expertise with others. They can become instructors at vocational schools or community colleges, training the next generation of linemen. By imparting their practical skills and industry insights, these linemen can play a crucial role in shaping the future of the profession.

Consulting is another promising option for experienced linemen. Many companies and organizations seek the expertise of linemen to advise on safety protocols, equipment selection, and maintenance practices. Linemen can offer their insights and provide valuable recommendations based on their years of hands-on experience. This not only allows them to contribute to the industry in a different capacity but also opens up new avenues for professional growth.

In addition to teaching and consulting, experienced linemen can also pursue entrepreneurial ventures. They can establish their own training programs or safety consulting firms, leveraging their knowledge and industry connections to provide specialized services. This allows them to have greater control over their career path and potentially create opportunities for others in the industry.


What is the projected job growth for linemen and journeyman linemen in the US?

The projected job growth for linemen is 6% and for journeyman linemen is 7% from 2018 to 2028.

How much have linemen salaries increased in the last 5 years?

Linemen salaries have increased by 10% in the last 5 years.

How many linemen and journeyman linemen are currently employed in the US?

There are currently over 87,715 linemen and 79,060 journeyman linemen employed in the US.

How many job openings are there for linemen and journeyman linemen?

There are currently 2,672 job openings for linemen and 9,469 job openings for journeyman linemen.

What is the average salary for a lineman and a journeyman lineman?

The average salary for a lineman is $78,563, and for a journeyman lineman, it is $77,257.

What advancements have been made in safety measures and equipment in the lineman industry?

Safety measures in the lineman industry have improved with advancements in safety equipment and the use of data and software for tracking energized components.

What are the employment opportunities for linemen in municipal and state sectors?

There is an increasing trend of municipal and state employment for linemen, offering greater access to benefits and retirement options through unions and individual savings accounts.

Are there non-traditional employment opportunities for experienced linemen?

Yes, experienced linemen can explore non-traditional employment opportunities such as teaching and consulting, leveraging their expertise in the industry.